Apollo is the son of Zues and Leto. His twin brother is Artemis. Apollo is the god of music, mostly of the lyre. He also directed the choir of Muse. He was also known as the god of prophecy, colonization, medicine, archery (but not for war or hunting), poetry, dance, intellectual inquiry and the carer of herds and flocks. He was also a god of light. Also he was the god of plague.
Apollo’s father was married to Hera. When she learned of Leto’s pregnancy she forced her to roam the earth to find someplace to give birth. She finally found shelter at Delos. There she was able to give birth to the divine twins. It is said that before she gave birth to Apollo the island was encircled by swans. For this reason swans are sacred to Apollo.
Apollo was known to be ruthless when he was angered. He also had many love affairs with mortals and goddesses. He also is said to have fallen in love with a male, Hyacinthus, the prince of Sparta. Apollo was worship throughout the Greek world.