Sunday, March 6, 2011

Theatre History II Entry 2

The primary document Elizabethan Acting: An Excellent Actor by Alfred Harbage states that the actor charms our attention. He is in deep thought and the audience is captivated. Harbage believes that acting is a formal performance. Which is something that many people do not associate with Elizabethan times. Harbage says “ Hee is so much affected to painting, and tis a question whether that make him an excellent Plaier, or his playing an exquisite painter.” I read this as Harbage saying that the actor is so committed to his “painting” that the audience is not sure if they are watching a painter paint, or if they are watching an actor act like he is painting. Showing that the actors had great commitment to their work in the Elizabethan theatre.

"Sir Lawrence Olivier as Hamlet." Famous Shakespearean Actors. Web. 6 Mar 2011.

Harbage, Alfred . "Elizabethan Acting ." A Source Book In Theatrical History. Comp. A.M. Nagler. New York: Dover Publications, 1952. Print.

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