Monday, December 6, 2010

Medieval Blog Entry Seven

In the book Eve by John A. Phillips while talking about Eve as the "original sinner" Phillips states that the women dominates the story of the Garden of Eden. It is true. She is the one who talks to the serpent (Devil) and the one who takes the first bite. Then she "assumes the role of the serpent... in providing her husband with the fruit." (Phillips 55) Many people blame the woman for bringing sin into the world, but in Phillips book he argues that Adam fell with even less persuasion than Eve. If the serpent had talked to Adam first, would he have eaten the fruit faster than Eve?

There is no way that we could ever truely know the answer to that question. We cannot go back in time to see what Adam would do. People have discussed whether sin is Eve's "fault" or not for centuries. I was raised in the Christian church and I have heard many sermons, speeches, and discussions on the story of the Garden of Eden. As far as I can see we are no closer to having an answer now than they were 50 years ago. Phillips has some good points in his book Eve, and I would reccomend it to someone looking for someone's point of view on it.

Photograph. Christ Church of Peach. Web. 6 Dec. 2010.
Phillips, John A. Eve: The History of an Idea. 1st ed. New York: Library of Congress, 1984. Print.

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