Monday, December 6, 2010

Medieval Blog Entry Three

The Chester Plays are Mystery plays. Often times Mystery plays and Miracle plays are used interchangeably. “A play that dramatises an episode from the Old or New Testament is called a mystery; one that dramatises the life of a saint is a miracle.” The word “mystery” is derived from the French word mystère. Mystère means craft.
The plays became known as mystery plays because guildsmen began working on them. They would work on plays that involved their craft in some way. The drapery guild would use fabric and drapery in their pageant wagon.

The above picture is an interpretation of a dying guild

"Chester Mystery Plays." Chester Mystery Plays , 2008 . Web. 4 Dec 2010. <>
"Medieval Dyeing." Ciba Review 1: Medieval Dyeing. Web. 4 Dec 2010.

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