Monday, December 6, 2010

Medieval Blog Entry Two

The Chester Cycle plays started because in services in Roman Catholic Churches much of the service was in Latin. Many common people could not understand the services so monks began to perform plays based on Bible stories in the common language. The Chester Cycle is thought to have begun in Chester, England, at St. Werburgh’s Abbey. As the plays became more elaborate they moved the plays outside. In Chester the Guilds produced the plays.  They organized events that became known as the Chester Mystery Plays.

The plays were performed on pageant wagons that moved from location to location. The Chester plays were very elaborate and grandly decorated.

Airdrie, Kathleen. "History of the Chester Mystery Cycle." Chester Mystery Plays in Toronto, Canada. N.p., 21 Dec 2009 . Web. 4 Dec 2010.

"Some History Behind Chester Cathedral ." Medieval & Religion site on Churches~Cathedrals,Castles. Web. 4 Dec 2010. <>.

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